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Is Sporting Goods Dropshipping Profitable?

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  • 2023-05-23 16:39:55
  • 1 min read

Updated: 2024-07-03 14:15:54

Since more and more people are taking physical activities for fitness and wellness, the sports industry is growing to be one of the largest in the world.


Consumers are progressively spending more on sportswear for a better sports experience. Among this, the majority is spent on athleisure clothing and accessories. The global sports equipment and accessories market is also expanding quickly. Updating technology and customers' changing tastes have boosted the development of the market.


The industry is also thriving in e-commerce. The global e-commerce revenue of the sports and outdoor industry is forecast to increase gradually until 2027, peaking at roughly 119.10 billion U.S. dollars. Thus, sporting goods can undoubtedly be a profitable niche market for dropshippers.


We'll put out a series of articles about different physical activities for you to get more dropshipping inspiration and product-sourcing ideas. Keep following SourcinBox so that you can never miss any updates!


In this article, we'll let out valuable insights and tips about the physical activity industry for you to start a sporting goods dropshipping business.


Physical Activity Has Never Been More Important


Health and Wellness Has Become Priority


According to a report by The New Consumer and Coefficient Capital, affluent consumers (those making more than $150,000 a year) are more likely to make health and wellness the highest priority in the next year. And when it comes to lifestyle changes for health, most Americans(60%) plan to exercise more this year, and 43% plan to eat more vegetables/plant-based foods.


which lifestyle changes for health do people plan to make


Changes in mind are bound to lead to changes in consumer trends. We can also easily tell the growing emphasis on health and wellness from the product sales categories on e-commerce platforms. In addition to food and beverage, health and personal care and beauty were Amazon's fastest-growing e-commerce categories with a forecasted sales up of 24.4% in 2022.


Amazon US Ecommerce Sales 2022


The Sports Industry Has Recovered Optimistically


Despite the current global macroeconomic headwinds, the outlook for the sports industry appears positive. After getting rid of the pandemic, the sports industry is recovering and developing at a high speed. According to PwC's Global Sports Survey (7th Edition), compared with last year, the perceived market growth outlook has improved from 5% to 6.5%, indicating an increasing spirit of optimism within the industry. Merchandising and consumer products expected annual growth rate grew from 3.9% in 2021 to 4.9% in 2022. If you can take this wave to start sporting goods dropshipping, you can surely gain profits!


Expected annual growth rate by revenue stream


Women's Sports Market Has Gained More Attention


2022 has been a breakout year for women’s sports. (e.g. UEFA’s Women’s Euro 2022 and the Women’s Rugby World Cup). In PwC's survey, nearly 35% of executives consider women’s sports as a great investment opportunity with the potential to unlock further value within the sports sector.


Women’s sports, and women in sports, have found their directions in recent years. More stakeholders are recognizing the significant untapped growth potential of this market. Over 70% of respondents forecast double-digit growth over the next 3 to 5 years. For example, the worldwide women's activewear market was valued at about 178 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. This market was expected to increase by over 90 billion dollars by 2029, reaching a value of 269 billion U.S. dollars.


expected revenue growth of women's sports


Also, female athletes are critical to driving industry-wide change such as equalizing wages, prize money, and resources for female athletes. A growing number of brands begin to corporate with women's sports and female athletes to get in touch with female consumers and promote positive brand notions.


If you are considering selling sporting goods in your online stores, you may add more sporting goods for women. This can help build up a nice impression on potential female customers.


Physical Activity Preference Has Been More Distinct


Since there are various physical activities, people usually choose the most favorable based on their own situations. Ipsos and the World Economic Forum conducted a study on the global views on exercise and team sports. The five most frequently practiced team sports and activities across the 29 markets in a normal week are fitness(20%), running(19%), cycling(13%), soccer(10%), and swimming(9%).


sports practice or play in a normal week


Fitness is quite a perfect choice for the urban. Since gyms can offer professional training equipment and guidance and save time for busy officers. Statistics showed that 67.3% of Americans stated that they participated in fitness sports in 2021. In the US, football has the most followers(74.5%), then basketball(56.6%) and baseball(50.5%).


Sports Americans follow


In Europe, hiking, cycling, running, and swimming are the most common sports. These sports are recurrent among the most popular sports in most countries, such as France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and most others.


In 2018, expenditure on sports and active recreation activities in Latin America and the Caribbean reached approximately 9.9 billion U.S. dollars, while spending on fitness amounted to 5.9 billion dollars. Brazil has the largest spending on the physical market with expenditure on recreational physical activities and supporting products and services reaching over 14 billion U.S. dollars. Mexico ranked second, with spending on the market amounting to approximately 11 billion U.S. dollars.


Sports preferences can also vary by class in the same country. In the United States, for example, American football is the most popular sport among all classes of Americans, with 76 to 79 percent of sports fans watching the NFL. The NFL seems to appeal to the upper and middle classes more, with only 20 percent of participants in the lower income brackets interested in the sport.


America's Favorite Sports


The Growing Sporting Goods Market


Today's sports market is strongly growing and has developed into a worldwide industry in the past decades with higher revenue and more industry players. The market is divided into four main segments: gate receipts(ticket sales for live sporting events), sponsorship, media rights, and merchandising. The merchandising sector includes products from jerseys to branded sports equipment. Increasing slowly but steadily, the sector has projected revenues to reach over 15.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2023.


Sports Equipment Market


The sports equipment market includes different sports requisites for both outdoor and indoor activities, as well as gym equipment used privately or in athletics halls. In 2021, the total revenue of the sports equipment market in the United States was about 16.26 billion U.S. dollars. Other sports equipment takes the major part of this revenue. Summer and winter sports equipment each accounted for more than two billion U.S. dollars. The Statista Consumer Market Outlook estimates that the sports equipment market in the United States will continue to increase and reach an overall revenue of around 21.23 billion U.S. dollars by 2026.


sports equipment market revenue in the US


Sportswear Market


People's surging enthusiasm for physical activities and changing consumer trends have reshaped the sportswear market to a large degree. The global sportswear market size accounted for USD 185.9 billion in 2022. It is projected a value of approximately USD 356 billion by 2032.


global sportswear market


Owing to the rising awareness about health and wellness, the market is expected a steady growth. Also, the increasing popularity of sporting events boosts development. When purchasing sportswear today, people pay more attention to fashion and comfort. SourcinBox can help you source fashionable and comfortable products for your dropshipping business. The popularity of international sportswear brands also has an impact on product demand.


Sporting Goods Ecommerce Market


E-commerce platforms are becoming the best choice for more and more people to shop for sporting goods since they create a unique shopping experience. In 2022, 61% of products in the global online sports and outdoor market were purchased by mobile users. Mobile users are forecast to keep the highest share of sales (63.7%) by 2027. The global e-commerce revenue of the sports and outdoor industry is projected to reach roughly 119.10 billion U.S. dollars. Sports and swimwear are projected to be this industry's most profitable segment, with a revenue of around 36.66 billion U.S. dollars by 2027.


The increasing popularity of sporting goods online sales makes people more likely to buy sports equipment while staying at home comfortably. The availability of same-day delivery, free shipping, buy-online-pick-up-in-store (BOPIS), and other convenient delivery options has also made it much easier for customers to get the products quickly and efficiently. For dropshipping businesses, fast shipping can ensure the store stands out from the competition. You can cooperate with SourcinBox to get faster delivery times and reliable after-sale services.


Popular Sports Market for Dropshipping


Though the physical activity industry performed great in 2022, the performances for each sub-segment are mixed. The following part will present some categories suitable for sports good dropshipping and provide some tips for a successful business.






Golf has an expanding market worldwide. The growing awareness of health and wellness has driven the market greatly. In 2022, the number of people participating in golf in the United States reached 25.6 million, representing a slight increase from the previous year. It also represented the highest on-course participation in more than a decade.


Every golf player needs to purchase equipment. Thanks to the golf heat, the global golf equipment market is expected to grow from $8.37 billion in 2022 to $8.74 billion in 2023.


Golf is also on the rise in social media platforms. The TikTok hashtag #golfmat" has over 59.6 million views. One account with more than 120,000 followers has posted videos that have reached an average of 10 million views. These videos mostly introduce the golf mat, show the skills of using it, practice with it, etc. In the comments, many users said that their family and friends have bought the mat. And many are eager to get the same type of golf mat. You can take the popularity of the golf mat to start your dropshipping business!


golfmat hashtag









Boxing is increasingly been taken up as a physical activity for remaining fit and healthy. In 2021, 6.7 million Americans above the age of six years old practiced this sport at least once. And approximately 493.4 thousand people participated in boxing in England.


The growing number of people pursuing boxing is likely to boost the demand for boxing gear. In 2021, the global boxing equipment market was over 1.6 billion U.S. dollars. It has been forecast to reach just over two billion U.S. dollars by 2028, representing an increase of approximately 26 percent. Gloves, protective equipment, training equipment, and hand wraps are all popular items for dropshipping.


Mind & Body Physical Activities


Yoga & Pilates




Pilates and yoga can not only improve deportment and flexibility, and build muscle strength, but also regulate body awareness and help relieve stress.


Yoga is increasingly popular among adults in the United States. According to Statista, the number of people doing yoga in the U.S. has experienced a steady increase since at least 2010. By 2021, the number of people that have done yoga at least once a year had reached 34.4 million. As for Pilates, there are about 9.8 million Americans have participated in Pilates training.


The personal items needed for Pilates and yoga can be excellent choices for dropshippers. SourcinBox can easily source high-quality products like yoga pants, yoga mats, yoga blocks, yoga socks, and sports bras. If you are interested, just contact us!



FURTHER READING ⇨ Best Pilates Product Ideas for Dropshipping







Since people were not able to go out during the pandemic, dancing workouts at home became very trendy. People can exercise their coordination and improve their cardiovascular health while dancing. Also, dancing can provide a large amount of endorphins, which makes the exerciser feel happy and joyful. The variety of dances also makes dancing workout more followers (common styles like Zumba, hip hop, Jazz, etc).


The market size of the Dance Studios industry in the United States was $4.4bn in 2022. It increased faster than the Consumer Goods and Services sector overall. Dance is also a popular form of fitness in the UK. More than half of the people in a survey in England had participated in a dance fitness class such as Bodystep, Zumba, or street dance.


The constant jumping and rhythmic movement require people to dress as lightly as possible when dancing. Thus you can sell light sports shirts and shorts to these dancers. Contact us for high-quality but cheap products for your dropshipping business!


Tai Chi


tai chi


Tai Chi is gradually becoming a popular physical activity for better wellness. It originated in China as a martial art and later developed into a wellness practice ideal for any age group. It can help improve balance, boost mood, and reduce chronic pain to some degree.


Tai Chi has gained popularity out of China. In the U.S., The number of participants (aged six years and older) in Tai Chi reached over 3.76 million. Between November 2020 and November 2021, approximately 140.5 thousand people participated in Tai Chi in England.


Tai Chi costume is suitable for dropshipping. SourcinBox can find the best Tai Chi uniforms and Kung Fu shoes from reliable manufacturers in China. Sign up now for more free services!


Ball Sports






Tennis has numerous fans around the world. According to the International Tennis Federation Global Tennis Report, there are 87 million unique players worldwide, which make up approximately 1.71% of the global population. Lots of people play tennis for body exercise. In addition, several grand slam tennis tournaments across the globe have shown tennis popularity, such as the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and US Open tennis tournaments.  These factors are expected to fuel the growth continually.


The more tennis players, the higher sales of tennis equipment will be. In 2022, wholesale sales of tennis racquets in the United States amounted to about 130 million U.S. dollars, an increase of about 46 percent compared to 2019. Since 2019, U.S. wholesale sales of tennis balls and other related equipment had also seen a slight increase overall. If you own an online store selling sports goods, remember to add some essential tennis equipment including tennis apparel, tennis shoes, tennis bag, and other accessories.



FURTHER READING ⇨ Elevate Your Dropshipping Business with Tennis Equipment







Football(soccer) is the world’s most popular sport with over 3.5 billion fans across the world. It is accessible to everyone, regardless of age, physical fitness, and economic situation.


Football-related products are always best sellers for dropshipping. In 2022, wholesale sales of soccer balls in the United States amounted to more than 165 million U.S. dollars. At the same time, wholesale sales of protective soccer gear reached a total of about 38 million dollars that year. Wholesale sales of soccer uniforms have been growing with each consecutive year over the past decade. In 2022, soccer team uniform wholesale sales reached a total of 172 million U.S. dollars in the U.S. It is worth noting that soccer uniforms have become trendy outfits this year. You can source some for stylish customers.



FURTHER READING ⇨ Niche Dropshipping - Best Football Equipment for Dropshipping







Cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world, with fans across the subcontinent, Australasia, the United Kingdom, and further afield. Cricket is not only a fun group game, but also beneficial to overall fitness, stamina, and hand-eye coordination.


The cricket equipment market is growing at a rapid pace across the world. The market is valued at US$ 14.01 million in 2022 and is projected to reach US$ 16.92 million by 2028. Since players can be better protected with higher-quality equipment, the demand grows significantly. Work with SourcinBox to find the best products for your business!






The continuous enlargement of global basketball participation can be attributed to the growing number of youth and adult players. In the United States, basketball participation has stayed high over the past decade, with over 20 million people playing every year. In both 2020 and 2021, over 27 million people above the age of six years old participated in that activity.


The growing number of players has increased the need for accessories such as balls and shoes. In 2022, U.S. wholesale sales of basketballs and backboards amounted to an estimated 314 million and 262 million U.S. dollars, respectively. For dropshipping, selling basketball accessories may be an easy way to make profits: basketball apparel, headbands & wrist bands, sunglasses & goggles, bags & backpacks, socks/sneakers combos, etc.






Baseball is undoubtedly one of the most popular sports in the world. According to the latest figures from the World Baseball Softball Confederation, over 65 million people in over 140 countries play baseball or softball. It's especially popular in the United States with over 26 million people playing baseball, which accounting for almost half of all baseball players in the world.


At the same time, the baseball equipment market is developing positively which is expected to reach US$1,100 million by 2023. Baseball uniforms, shoes, and other baseball apparels are quite a good choice for dropshipping. Since baseball apparel is not only suitable for the players but also very trendy as daily wear.


Table Tennis


Table Tennis


According to the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF),  there are over 300 million active table tennis players and over 100 million competitive players worldwide. The global Table Tennis market size is projected to grow from US$ 236.7 million in 2022 to US$ 428.6 million in 2029. The market is mainly driven by the easy setup and readily available sports equipment along with various health benefits.


Racket/Bats takes the major market share and generated almost 60% of market revenue in 2019. The table tennis accessories segment is projected to show the highest growth rate in upcoming years. As China's national ball, the popularity of table tennis speaks for itself in China. Table tennis equipment suppliers can surely provide quality products at affordable prices. Sign up now for free quotes!






Swimming is not only an excellent water aerobic exercise, but also an essential life skill. Especially in the summer, people can swim to beat the heat and enjoy themselves in the water. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), swimming is the fourth most popular recreational sport in the country, after walking, running, and biking. About 91 million Americans over the age of 16 (about 31 percent of the population) swim in the ocean, lakes, and rivers each year.


The global climate differences make swimming gears sell year-round. The global swimming gear market reached US$ 10.9 billion in 2022 and is forecast to surpass US$18.7 billion by 2032. If you need safe and comfortable swimming gear for your stores, just feel free to contact us!


Running & Jogging




Running and jogging are exercises for everyone as they cost little to take part in and have few limitations. Running or jogging regularly can significantly improve physical and mental health, self-confidence, and quality of life. Statista's survey showed that in 2022, 24 percent of respondents with high income stated participated in running or jogging.


Some runners may choose to participate in fun runs, athletics races, or marathons. They always need wearables and accessories while running. It primarily includes athletic products such as gloves, shoes, jackets, running belts, smartphone armbands, and running vests. If you are interested in dropshipping running or jogging gear, please feel free to contact us!






An increasing number of people opt to cycle for health or as an environmental hobby. It can benefit physical health and reduce carbon footprint!  The number of bicycles sold in the European Union in 2021 amounted to over 22 million. And the number of people in the U.S. participating in cycling totaling over 51 million.


World's tremendous enthusiasm for cycling is fueling the cycling wear market in return. The global cycling wear market's revenue was valued at US$3,743.8 million in 2021, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.9% during the forecast period(2022 to 2030). Products like cycling jerseys, cycling gloves, cycling socks, and cycling sunglasses are perfect for dropshipping. You can find the best manufacturers through SourcinBox!






The heat of camping ever since 2021 has never ceased. Since it has opened a door for people to have fun with family and friends in nature. Statics from the Dyrt Camping Report 2022 shows that there are over 80 million campers in the U.S. And Revenue in the Camping segment is projected to reach US$43.89bn in 2023.


The growing trend of camping has created a great niche for dropshippers to sell outdoor and camping gear. In addition to selling basic camping supplies, you can also provide your customers with fashion products to increase the fun of camping. If you are ready to start dropshipping camping gear, sign up now for free quotes!



FURTHER READINGNiche Dropshipping - Best Camping Gear to Dropship in 2023







Hiking is second only to cycling and jogging as one of the most popular activities in developed economies. It allows people to fulfill their dreams of active and adventurous lives. People can run away from the busy urban life and get closer to nature. Thus, it's becoming a trend in modern lifestyles.


The hiking gear market size was valued at USD 4.79 Billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 8.69 Billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 7.7% from 2023 to 2030. Depending on the duration, distance, and environment, hiking gear can be different.


Also, the growing demand for physical activities among the younger generation is driving the hiking equipment market, especially among the millennials. As millennials account for the majority of customers in the hiker market, their increasing participation is driving the demand. In addition, the consumer preference for hiking boots gave it more fashion meanings. The popularity of the shoes on social media has spurred marketing sales, with more than 18.5 million views on TikTok under the #hikingboots hashtag.


hikingboots tt hashtag


Winter Sports


winter sports


Winter sports were originally played in winter, but now people can experience them on artificial ice and snow. Sports events across the world have boosted the popularity of winter sports a lot.


The winter sports market has created lucrative opportunities for market players. Winter sports gear is exactly the best niche every year from November to the end of February of the following year. Statista presents that revenue in the winter sports equipment market can reach US$14.03bn in 2023. Most revenue is generated in the United States at US$2,849.00m in 2023. If you are interested in winter sports gear drosphipping, you can send us sourcing requests anytime!



FURTHER READING Niche Dropshipping - Popular Winter Sports Gear to Sell Online 2022-2023



Other Physical Activities






Fishing is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities in the U.S. The fishing industry in the United States was valued at about 11.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. And along with global participation trends, the number hopes to keep growing in the future. Fishing is also considered a social activity, as the fishing trip is getting popular. While some people prefer to fish alone to enjoy the peaceful surroundings, most participants choose to embark as a group.


Fishing enthusiasts tend to have more free time and a more stable income level. In 2021, the average annual expenditure on hunting and fishing equipment per consumer unit in the United States increased to nearly 59 U.S. dollars. This figure represents the second increase after a strong fall in the late 2010s. SourcinBox can easily find fishing gear at the most reasonable prices for your dropshipping business!


Alternative Sports


parkourskateboardrollar skating


Alternative sports have gained popularity in recent years, particularly among the young generations. Alternative sports are different from traditional sports in that some of them can be exciting and dangerous. Common categories include skateboarding, roller skating, parkour, rock climbing, and Frisbee. It has carved out a niche and attracted numerous passionate followers.


Alternative sports have become more visible in recent years through events such as the X Games, and the inclusion of new sports in the Olympic program, such as skateboarding and sport climbing. The International Olympic Committee has announced that the Olympic Games in Los Angeles 2028 will see skateboarding become a fully-fledged permanent Olympic sport. If you own an online store selling sports gear, remember to add products like skateboarding helmets, shoes, trainers, and other protective equipment.






Esports, or competitive video gaming, is a rapidly growing market in the past few years. Esports tournaments and competitions are drawing large audiences, and many famous brands are sponsoring esports teams and events. The number of users in the market is expected to reach 720.80m by 2027. The Olympic Council of Asia has made it an official event and will be included in the 2018 Asian Games and become an official medal sport in 2022. What's more, esports is even expected to become an Olympic medal event in the closer future. The esports market can surely be a more profitable market in the future.


The revenue in the esports market is projected to reach US$1,624.00m in 2023. For dropshipping business, gaming accessories can be a perfect niche. The global gaming accessories market was valued at $6.1 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $14.4 billion by 2030. Work with SourcinBox to find various e-games accessories with lower prices and faster shipping time.



FURTHER READING ⇨ Top 20 Gaming Accessories for Dropshipping 2023



Start Dropshipping Sporting Goods with SourcinBox

The plentiful sports segment markets offer niches for dropshippers to get profits. If you have got any inspiration for sporting goods dropshipping, it's high time for you to easily start with SourcinBox. Sign up now and connect your stores with SourcinBox. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact your 1-on-1 customer manager for help! Here you can get a lower dropshipping cost and faster order fulfillment!


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